Mold Removal

24 HOUR SERVICE - CALL US AT 1-800-222-6815

When the unfortunate happens to you, and your family is faced with a disaster that can cause damage beyond anything ever imagined. We can assist you in you time of need. By employing the most talented and highly trained technitions to restore your home from any flooding or water damage that might have been caused due to freezing pipes or high amounts of rainfall. Flooded basements, if untreated by professionals, can cause mold issues and mold can cause severe health problems. Call us now and our curtious staff will assist you in helping you with what you need done.

You can reach us at 1-800 222-6815 if you are having any water, fire, smoke, sewage or mold problems!

Mold Removal Tips

Why We Should Conduct Mold Removal Regularly

Mold removal is a task that many of us take for granted. Not everyday is a rainy or drizzling day. However, it is not all the time that our house is free from molds. Whether it is raining hard or not, we should regularly check and conduct mold removal in our house.

But, mold removal entails a lot of time, effort and even money too, so why do it on a regular basis?

In 1993, several kids from Cleveland, Ohio bled from their airways and had their lungs infected by some unknown virus or bacteria. Many children died and the investigation showed that the terrible outbreak was caused by the water damaged homes where a greenish-black mold proliferated without them knowing it.

According to the kids’ mothers, it was already a month since the last hurricane struck and they were sure that they had cleaned the house well and that they left no mold inside. But that is what they thought, or rather what they thought they saw.

Carrying out mold removal after a big flood cannot provide you with enough assurance that your house is already mold free. Little do we know that mold can enter our house in a variety of ways. It can enter through an open window, your air conditioning system, a vent or it could even attach itself to a clothing or pet.

Molds are reproduced through spores, and these spores are rather invisible to the naked eye, thus it is essential that we conduct mold removal regularly to check if some spores have already developed into full-grown molds somewhere in our homes.

While mold removal requires much time and effort, it is all worth it. It could assure us that our homes are free from unwanted molds that are hazardous to our health.

But how hazardous could a mold get?

Many are using the term toxic mold but this is a big mistake. It is really not the mold that is hazardous but rather the spores that it produces. These spores are airborne thus you can inhale them, absorb them through your skin, and some even release mycotoxins!

Toxic spores cause skin irritations, lung inflammation and may suppress the body’s immune system. Some studies also prove that toxic molds can be responsible for memory loss and worst brain damage. Mycotoxins, on the other hand, could kill living and functional cells to cut down competition on food and other resources.

That is how fatal toxic molds are, so if your home has suffered even just once for water damage, make sure that you could conduct a routinary mold removal operations. Mold can grow and spread fast, that is why we should have be alert too especially if some signs of humidity are already felt in your house.

Further mold growth and eventually the demanding mold removal could also be prevented by using your air conditioner during humid months and cleaning the drain pan under your fridge at least once a month.

Mold Removal Saddle Brook NJ,